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Me and Vivek, my 2,5 years old son with cerebral palsy just had an Neuromovement Intensive with Gabrielle. We had 15 lessons where both mother and child learn how to deal with emotions and how they are related with the development of the child, I learned how to show new possibilities of movement to him, I learned to discern when he really needs help from when I can let him do things by himself, and how to deal with tantrums from a place of tranquility. Vivek had changes in his emotional, motor and communicative development. Gabrielle worked with lots of dedication and care for the child, and they had a very nice connection .

Sue Lee, San Ramon/ CA

My 8-year old son with ASD started NeuroMovement® lessons at CoPEC five months ago. Since then E’s arm flapping has decreased a lot. While E. moves around very well and enjoys playing basketball and jumping on the trampoline there were surprisingly certain movements he could simply not do. He was unable to lean on his hands or side sit without immediately collapsing onto his back or belly. It was very difficult for him to stay with a movement for even a few seconds. After a few lessons he began to be more attentive and engaged in the lessons. He has become more interested in activities that require fine motor skills, such as drawing and painting with watercolors. He no longer becomes easily frustrated when for example he does not make the basketball shots. But more importantly, not only have I received a very simple at-home-movement program for E. but our NeuroMovement Practitioner® taught me how to speak with E. to interrupt his repetitive thought loops and unending same questions and engage him in verbal exchange that prompts his brain to learn. I noticed that my son’s thinking has improved. He uses many new words and has overall much improved verbal expression. E. enjoys the lessons and we like going to the community lesson intensive weekends, where we meet other families. All these changes happened even though E. has had only six 45minute-long sessions each month on average, while he had 40 hours ABA therapy from age 3-6 and 9 hours weekly for the past two years. 

Dean Rosengren

I'm the father of Leroy, a severely autistic and intellectually disabled 10-year-old child. He's been in ABA since he was 2, along with ABA in school, and we haven't seen much improvement from that.


In January of 2020 I read the book 'Kids Beyond Limits" and started using the Nine Essentials. I also took Leroy to NeuroMovement® lessons and we saw remarkable improvements in my son's cognition and behavior. For example, he began to echo and imitate things he would see on TV or videos, which he never did before.


We also received parent coaching sessions which completely changed our relationship with our son, and his cognition is at a whole new level. My wife and I now find opportunities to connect and tune into him. Nowadays, there is much less yelling in the house. We now speak to Leroy, and to each other, in a respectful, kind and patient manner.


Another big difference gained from the coaching sessions is that during meals Leroy feeds himself, and he often eats with us, without the need to play with toys. Leroy now regularly responds when we call him, and he is much more gentle, careful, and much less anxious during our interactions. This has been a huge blessing to our family.  



Bridget Sarmiento

My son was diagnosed with ataxic cerebral palsy and global developmental delay. My greatest concerns have been his mobility, balance issues and speech delay. He had been receiving services such as PT,OT, and ST and he is in a special education classroom. While those treatments helped him, I was searching for additional modalities that would allow A. to progress more.


I found ABM and brought A to Gabrielle, who later connected me to CoPEC.  After just a few lessons, I already noticed significant improvements. He had better balance and moved around on his own much more. He appeared to be confident to stand up and cruise along furniture, eventually taking a few steps without support. Soon after, he also began to speak more words and sentences and A. continues to become more articulate.  


I am very grateful for Gabrielle and the whole CoPEC team. You gave us hope and inspiration. Thank you.

Shriti K., Sunnyvale, CA 

Thank you for everything that you do for the community.  

I am immensely thankful for the support we have received so far with lessons for my 5-year-old autistic son, the valuable information you provided us with, and connecting me to other moms. 

We have seen many changes since R. started lessons only one month ago. 

He is more present, alert, and curious. He makes eye contact with people. He is affectionate with me, takes my hand and wants to sit on my lap. It makes me so happy! 

His muscle tone is improved. He is more coordinated, and his motor skills have improved. 

He walks long distances and moves faster. He can get on and off the couch by himself now and when on the floor, he switches easily between cross-legged and side-sitting.  

R. no longer tries to get out of his car seat during trips and he climbs into the car seat by himself when prompted. He can tell one thing from another. He knows different parts of his body and points to them.  He shows us that he has preferences and expresses himself with sounds and gestures. He points to water and food when he wants it. He nods his head for “No”. 

He follows instructions and understands more concepts, and his teacher notes that he is very focused after movement lessons.  

We are grateful to work with you and are looking forward to more lessons. 

Michelle Washington, RN

Gabrielle is an amazing practitioner and caring human being and has the ability to bring connection to the world. Her special gift of presenting and implementing the Nine Essentials of the Anat Baniel/NeuroMovement Method in her private lessons and lectures has turned my life and Z’s life around completely.


The changes in the quality of Z’s life and her abilities now are a milestone and I will continue supporting the work of practitioners like Gabrielle who are steadfast in maintaining hope and seeing potential in those who were once thought to be lost.

Denise Gums

I witnessed much change in A. since Gabrielle started working with him. He does more on his own, appears more interested in things around him, and explores his environment with intense interest. He has better orientation, stands up often on his own and cruises along furniture. He also walks much better with his walker.


I took a class with Gabrielle that made me aware of how I move and how I can move better. It also learned to use the Nine Essentials in my daily work with the kids and was able to help A. making progress with eating. 


This program helps kids with special needs and caregivers because it gets results.

© 2022 COPEC 

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